
This group is pretty simple and straightforward in its nature. We are like-minded folks that support others with their creative endeavors.

Those that don't help others and simply stink up the place? Those are turds.

A turd is often characterized by:

  • Tell-tale Signs: A turd announces its presence with awfulness. Simply being around a turd is offputting.
  • Upset Easily: A turd will physically or digitally troll anything around them to upset things in their favor in a gross attempt to become a main character.
  • Rng: A turd thinks themselves above randomness when in reality they are just as beholden to the irrationality as the rest of us, yet they refuse to admit it.
  • Douchebaggery: A turd would rather bring others down than place their own selves second. They stand for nothing so they want everything else to fall down with them. They never support our boost up the good things others around them are doing.

Please Don't Be a Turd

We don't tolerate it. We hope you join our cause in bringing goodhearted folks together to revel in creative works and laughs worth sharing together.